Sunday, October 3, 2021

Starting Once Again

 Here I am once again, starting again to get weight off, to get healthy, to find more energy and less pain.  I want to say that this time will be different, that this will be it, but I just don’t know.  I’m tired of starting over over and over again.  I’m tired of being tired all the time.  I’m tired of being afraid to try riding amusement park rides.  I’m tired of being lazy.  I just can’t say that is it, that I’ve finally found the magic cure to stay on track, I just don’t know.  What I do know is that I felt God’s conviction about it during the service this morning.  We are studying Nehemiah and rebuilding what is broken.  My health is broken, I’m chronically exhausted and in pain, I know it’s my poor eating habits and lack of exercise.  I need to rebuild this wall of health.  It really struck me this morning that my body is His temple.  Just as the temple in Jerusalem had to be rebuilt, this temple (my body) need to be rebuilt.  This blog is meant more for my own accountability and hopefully a way to look back at what I’ve accomplished.  I know I can’t do this on my own, I will need Christ and His strength to do it.

Starting Once Again

 Here I am once again, starting again to get weight off, to get healthy, to find more energy and less pain.  I want to say that this time wi...